
Our company mainly carries out the processing of metal parts for third parties, where punctual deliveries and the “equals to zero” defects become fundamental for the purpose of respecting the customer's work plan. To guarantee all this, as well as having an excellent and performing internal organization, it is necessary to have a particular attention to the production logistics.
The raw materials warehouse must have a level of metal sheets stock that is adequate both quantitatively and qualitatively, so as to guarantee, in any case and always, a high level of customer satisfaction.

This way of thinking and managing the business belongs to us as a culture. Therefore, even if it is demanding from a financial term for the immobilization of capital, we believe that the immediate response to the needs of the customer is identifying and rewarding for our company, in that some principles of quality are concretized in it.

As a guarantee of all this there is also the excellent relationship we have with our suppliers, built over the years through a serious and respectful behavior of the agreements much appreciated by our partners. This has meant that even in the presence of any stock-out we are always able to meet the client's needs and contractual promises.